Family take photo after being denied booth at restaurant – it quickly goes viral #2

Have you ever been to a restaurant where the host or hostess places you in an uncomfortable seat, even though there seem to be better options available?

Typically, when you ask for a booth or a larger table and are turned down, there’s usually a valid reason behind it. Still, that doesn’t make it any less annoying.

When one family entered a Texas Roadhouse in Dallas, Texas, they were puzzled as to why they couldn’t sit in what appeared to be an empty booth. Upon closer inspection, they discovered it was being reserved for a group of VIPs, and they quietly settled down and moved on from it…

The booth was set up in a way that suggested a distinguished guest might arrive at any time. The American flag and the Texas state flag adorned the wall behind the booth, and a specific sign was placed on the table to indicate who the table was reserved for.

It wasn’t until people looked more closely that they realized this was no ordinary group of five souls slated to occupy the booth. In fact, it wasn’t five people at all … not those who could walk through the door, anyway.

Instead, the Texas Roadhouse had set aside the booth for five fallen police officers who had been ambushed by multiple snipers in Dallas. It was the restaurant’s way of recognizing the sacrifice and honoring the courageous actions of this special group of individuals.

When the other patrons realized what was happening, there were hardly any dry eyes in the restaurant.

The note stated: “We remember and honor the five slain police officers, Sergeant Michael J. Smith, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, and Mr. Brent Thompson, who worked for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department, that the Texas Roadhouse restaurant reserved a table for. We thank you for your service. May you rest in peace.”

Thank you Texas Roadhouse for remembering the #Dallas5 and preparing them a table tonight.

Posted by Ohio Going Blue on Wednesday, July 13, 2016

We believe the gesture from Texas Roadhouse deserves recognition. Let’s give a round of applause to all the servicemen and women who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety.

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